The guest speaker at our May 16 Rotary meeting was PDG Marcia Loughman, who will be the next Chair of the District 7410 Foundation Committee.  Marcia spoke about the major programs of the Rotary Foundation, especially the Polio Eradication Program. She reminded everyone about the critical importance of the total worldwide elimination of this disease and the need for environmental surveillance to ensure it does not re-emerge as a worldwide threat.
Marica also spoke about her 3 year vision for the District Foundation Programs, as well as, the easy ways that Rotarians can make their contributions to the Rotary Foundation, which is very highly rated as a charity.  
Marica ended by enumerating some of the ideas she has for enhancing Rotarians giving to and raising money from the public for the Rotary Foundation. 

PDG Marcia Loughman (2019-2022 District 7410 Foundation Committee Chair)