Loghan Hirkey is the current Wyoming/Lackawanna County Dairy Princess and began her reign in June 2019. She has been doing talks to children and this is her first time speaking to adults. 
She will compete in the state pageant in Sept.  She will perform a skit and read her speech, “Refueling with chocolate milk”. Loghan read her State Pageant Speech that informs athletic directors/coaches the benefit of drinking Chocolate Milk to refuel your body after an intense game or being active.  If drink 16 oz of choc milk after exercise, athletes have fewer muscle injuries than other drinks after exercise. 
There is a state-wide campaign to “Fill a Glass with Hope” by several Dairy associations to ensure families do not go hungry by providing them with fresh milk from food banks. She asked for donations to help fund this program. She will take donations to the Pittston food bank, since they have a large refrigeration system to store the milk.

Loghan Hirkey - Dairy Princess